JOHN MOYLE Field Day – 20th March 2021.
The TEAM – David VK4HDE, James VK4VS, Lurch VK4HL, Hoffy VK4OY, Tony VK4TLA, Steve VK2SJJ.

The SETUP – Again, this year, David was host of the JMFD on his high-altitude property, at 940m. Both James and Lurch assisted David in the setup on Friday afternoon. The orange club tarp was stretched between two trees over a wire rope. Tables were setup and batteries and generator.

On The Day – Lurch and James decided to setup a gazebo a little further away due interference. They setup 40m on a TS 130s with a switch for a vertical and dipole antenna. David had his Alinco on 80m through a dipole and teamed up with Hoffy. Tony has his IC9100 working on 20m and 15m through a 20m OCF and teamed with Steve for the first session. All radios at 100w.

The Action –
80M 61 Contacts VK4HL/VK4VS 80 M Dipole 100W Kenwood HF Transceiver
40M 56 Contacts VK4HDE/VK4OY 40 M Dipole/Vertical 100W Alinco HF Transceiver
20M 11 Contacts VK4TLA 20M OCF 100W ICOM 9100 all band
15M 2 Contacts VK4TLA 20M OCF 100W ICOM 9100 all band
Total – 130 contacts or 260 points for the six-hour block from 0400Z (2PM EST – 1000Z (8 PM)

Tony did try the aviator morse setup with quite a number of CQ’s. The contact he tried to copy was another station on computer generated morse at about 60wpm. Unfortunately, not really copiable to the human ear.

A highly successful John Moyle Field Day, and a lot of fun to boot.

Photos taken by the Host of the Day, David VK4HDE.